The determination of penalty During the stages of measuring and serving the sentence Pantazis Ch. Vryniotis, Ph.D., Attorney at Law ISBN 978-960-622-703-5 Abstract: This study examines the procedure for determining the length and the manner in which the sentence is served. The procedure which will be followed for the enforcement of a particular sentence for a particular person, will be served in a specific way. In this context, the institutions which give flexibility to the penalty both at the stage of measurement (reduction, increase, measure the sentence) and of serving the sentence (suspension, commutation, interruption of the sentence, serving of a sentence at home, conditional release from jail) are considered. Specifically, we question in practical terms the right or wrong way in which institutions in modern domestic judicial realities function. This study confirms through practical examples which are highlighted by specialists in the field of criminal law and covers particular lawmatterswhichhaven’tbeenpreviouslyexamined inagreatextent.Finally, itends in an overall view of the way in which the current law operates and deals with the possible prospects. COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re- trievalsystem,ortransmitted, inany formorbyanymeans,withoutthepriorpermis- sion of NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A., or as expressly permitted by law or under the terms agreed with the appropriate reprographic rights organisation. Enquiries concerning reproductionwhichmaynotbecoveredbytheaboveshouldbeaddressedtoNOMI- KI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A. at the address below. DISCLAIMER The content of this work is intended for information purposes only and should not be treated as legal advice.The publication is necessarily of a general nature; NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A. makes no claim as to the comprehensiveness or accuracy of the information provided; Information is not offered for the purpose of providing indi- vidualized legal advice. Professional advice should therefore be sought before any action is undertaken based on this publication. Use of this work does not create an attorney-client or any other relationship between the user and NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A. or the legal professionals contributing to this publication. 23 Mavromichali str. | 106 80 | Athens | Greece T +30 210 3678 800 | F +30 210 3678 819 www.nb.org | info@nb.org © 2019, NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A.