Acknowledgements I would like to express my profound gratitude to Professor Lia Athanassiou for her encouraging support and inspiring guidance to continue research and legal writing and for her complete confidence in me during a large period of my life which was filled with many ups and downs. Her extensive professional and personal guidelines, her endless energy and enthusiasm in maritime research motivated me even more to become a better researcher and jurist. Moreover, I am greatly indebted to her not only because I had the unique privilege to be benefited considerably from her legal expertise that she offered me abundantly but also because she has been very generous in including this book in her series “MARITIME LAW STUDIES” in NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI. Words cannot express my pain and sorrow when I heard of the unexpected death of Associate Professor Theodora Nikaki. Her support, encouragement and kindness to read the book under extremely difficult circumstances will not be forgotten. Her premature loss has not only deprived the maritime law sector of a unique scientist but also me of an excellent friend and brilliant colleague. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to my close friends Andreas, Ioannis, Anastassios, Konstantinos, Evangelos, Iakovos, Elias and Arsenios for their immeasurable support, wise guidance and constant encouragement throughout the writing of the book. I am and will be always grateful to them. No words can also express my heartfelt thanks to my beloved wife Panayota and to my two children, Ioannis and Efstathia-Efraimia-Alice, for giving me strength to commence writing and to complete this book. Without their endless support, true love and boundless patience, it would not have been possible. I owe them everything. Sincere thanks are also addressed both to my wife Panayota, maritime lawyer and to Mrs. Alexia Zachou for their support and encouragement in the editing of the book. Finally, I am grateful both to Anthony and Lila Karatza and to NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI’s team for the elegant publication of the book. A very special thanks to all of them. Loukas J. Zygouros 17.3.2019