Maria Dimitrakopoulou 167 Frontex provides assistance with the registration and screening of irregular mi- grants, though fingerprinting and EURODAC registration remain primarily a task for Member State authorities. Frontex thus focuses its support on identifying migrants (including “nationality screening”), referring people in need of international pro- tection, providing assistance with registration and fingerprinting, and organizing the logistics of return. 67 Frontex provides support in debriefing migrants to gather intelligence (e.g. routes, modus operandi) on smuggling networks. Frontex assists in coordinating the swift return of migrants who have no right to remain in the EU. It should be noted that, even though the Greek authorities may base their decision concerning the nationality of a newcomer exclusively on a Frontex assessment, documents issued by the latter are considered to be ‘non-paper’ and therefore individuals are not given access to them. This renders the challenge of Frontex findings extremely difficult. 68 The European Asylum Support Office (EASO ) is also engaged in the asylum proce- dure. EASO provides asylum support – in line with the concept of joint processing – by channeling asylum seekers into the appropriate asylum procedure (including those to be relocated under the Article 78(3) TFEU mechanism). EASO also helps with the registration of asylum seekers and preparation of case files. The primary role of EASO, meanwhile, is to “assist the EU relocation process, in particular through the provision of information on relocation, assistance provided to the Dublin unit, and detection of possible document fraud. 69 Since mid-June 2016, the relocation scheme is not applicable to those who have entered Greece after 20 March 2016. 70 Therefore, EASO has played a more active role in the asylum procedure per se (see Fast-Track Border Procedure: Personal Interview). Europol and, where relevant, Eurojust, work to enhance intelligence exchange on smuggling networks and thereby step up investigative efforts. The European Agency for large-scale information systems (EU-LISA) also plays a significant role in the management and operation of the information systems supporting registration and asylum procedures. 67. See: http://frontex.europa.eu/pressroom/faq/situation-at-external-border/ . 68. The implementation of the hotspots in Italy and Greece, a study, AIDA REPORT, last updated: 26/09/17 http://www.asylumineurope.org/reports/country/greece . 69. EASO Press Release, “EASO Executive Director a.i. visits Greece and the Hotspot in Lesvos”, 24 February 2016. 70. This is a de facto cut-off date. No such provision exists in the Council Decisions on Relocation.