224 Examining applications under administrative detention in order over the space-time continuum of a past period and a person may recall them whenever he wishes. On the other hand, extremely life threatening events are registered in a special way due to the emotional burden they carry. During this procedure, a primeval instinctual domain of the cerebrum performs the func- tion of recording the lived event in the form of sensory ‘snapshots’, like a specific smell, sound or face and since there is a lack of verbal narrative, these memories are not stored in the past section and they cannot be controlled in order to be de- scribed in a conscious manner. What triggers the unfold of this specific memory is an internal feeling, for example a deep feel of shame, or an external stimulation like the sound of a helicopter or the view of a uniform, during which the person starts unwillingly to re-experience a part of the certain traumatizing event, being trapped in a flashback situation 21 . Gender often is a factor determining a higher risk of vulnerability under certain circumstances. Women asylum seekers deal with significantly increased risks 22 while they are under administrative detention. Very often, women are a minority compared to male detainees, thus experience limitation in freedom of movement inside the institutions 23 . In many countries, such as UK, women asylum seekers are temporarily held in mixed detention areas and in facilities that usually do not fol- low a gender-specific staff employment 24 . In addition, women in detention face severe risk of exploitation, sexual offences and fail to receive specialized medical care 25 . Let alone the fact that most of women asylum seekers in detention have already experienced gender-based violence, domestic abuse or even trafficking, either in their country of origin or during their journey 26 . 21. Herlihy J. / Turner S. , ibid. 22. Penal Reform International and Association for Prevention of Torture (2013), Women in Detention: a guide to gender-sensitive monitoring http://tinyurl.com/PenalReform- wid-2013 . 23. For instance, according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the percentage of women immigrants detained since 2008 accounted for 9-10% of the total. Women’s Refugee Commission, 28 th of March 2013, Brané M. / Wang L. , Women: the invisible detainees, FRM, ibid. 24. McGinley A. , Detention of women: principles of equality and non-discrimination, Forced Migration Review, September 2013, available at http://www.fmreview.org/detention/ edwards.html . 25. According to a research conducted by the Jesuit Refugee Service-Europe, more that 90% of women aged 18-24 years old did not receive the medical care they wished for. The whole study is available at the Civil Society Report on the Detention of Vulnerable Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in the European Union, June 2010. 26. For more details, see Brané M. / Wang L ., ibid and ‘Unseen prisoners: A report on women in immigration detention facilities in Arizona’, University of Arizona: Southwest Institute for Research on Women. Retrieved from: http://www.law.arizona.edu/depts/ bacon_program/pdf/Unseen_Prisoners.pdf .