232 ANNEX I In either case, the response capacity of the Member States concerned would be adversely affected, and the assistance and support being provided to peo- ple in need would, in turn, be negatively affected. (5) While the Union is already in a position to grant support of a macro-financial nature to Member States, and to express European solidarity to disaster- stricken regions through the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) estab- lished by Council Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002( 1 ), there is currently no ap- propriate instrument available at Union level to address on a sufficiently pre- dictable and independent basis the humanitarian needs of disaster-stricken people within the Union, such as food assistance, emergency healthcare, shel- ter, water, sanitation and hygiene, protection and education. Mutual assist- ance can be offered under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism pursuant to Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council( 2 ), but the operation of that Mechanism is based on voluntary contributions from Member States. There could also be assistance and support provided through existing Union policy and financing instruments, such as those aimed at estab- lishing an area of freedom, security and justice in the Union. Any such assist- ance and support would, however, be accessory and ancillary to the pursuit of the principal policy objectives of those instruments and, therefore, be limited in its scope and scale. (6) It therefore seems appropriate for the Union to act in a spirit of solidarity to address the basic needs of disaster-stricken people within the Union, and to contribute to reducing the economic impact of those disasters on the Member States concerned. (7) Given the similarities in addressing the basic needs of disaster-stricken people within the Union through the provision of emergency support and in providing humanitarian aid to people affected by man-made or natural disasters in third countries, all operations under this Regulation should be conducted in compli- ance with internationally-agreed humanitarian principles. Those actions con- stitute measures appropriate to the economic situation of the Member States facing those difficulties and complementing Union action encouraging cooper- ation between Member States in order to improve the effectiveness of systems for preventing and protecting against natural or man-made disasters. (8) Given the need to act in a spirit of solidarity, the provision of emergency sup- port under this Regulation should be financed by the general budget of the Un- ion, as well as by contributions which may be made by other public or private donors. (9) The reimbursement of expenses and award of public procurement contracts and grants under this Regulation should be implemented in accordance with Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the