COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2016/369 235 assistance, relief and, where necessary, protection operations to save and pre- serve life in disasters or in their immediate aftermath. It may also be used to fi- nance any other expenditure directly related to the implementation of emergency support under this Regulation. 3. Emergency support under this Regulation shall be granted and implemented in compliance with the fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. 4. The actions referred to in paragraph 2 shall be carried out by the Commission or by partner organisations selected by the Commission. The Commission may nota- bly select, as partner organisations, non-governmental organisations, specialised services of the Member States or international agencies and organisations having the requisite expertise. In doing so, the Commission shall maintain a close coop- eration with the affected Member State. Article 4 Types of financial intervention and implementing procedures 1. The Commission shall implement the Union’s financial support in accordance with Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012. In particular, Union financing for sup- port actions under this Regulation shall be implemented by means of direct or in- direct management in accordance with points (a) and (c), respectively, of Article 58(1) of that Regulation. 2. Emergency support under this Regulation shall be financed by the general budg- et of the Union and by contributions which may be made by other public or private donors as external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012. 3. Union financing for support actions under this Regulation to be implemented by means of direct management may be awarded directly by the Commission without a call for proposals, in accordance with Article 128(1) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012. To that effect, the Commission may enter into framework partner- ship agreements or rely on existing framework partnership agreements concluded pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1257/96. 4. Where the Commission implements emergency support operations through non- governmental organisations, the criteria concerning financial and operational ca- pacity shall be deemed to be satisfied where there is a framework partnership agreement in force between that organisation and the Commission pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1257/96.