30 The concept and dimensions of solidarity As to the adjective solidary , the OED records two meanings. The first derives from Civil Law: “joint and several” (liability, responsibility etc.). Interestingly enough, the first quote entry here, H.T. Colebrooke’s 1818 Treatise on Obligations and Contracts , precedes Doherty’s first recorded use (1841) of solidarity in English by 23 years, thus infusing its own conceptual aura upon the meaning of the lat- ter. 45 The second meaning of the solidary further politicizes the above legal mean- ing. The solidary is the one “characterized by or having solidarity or community of interests.” The quote entries here are admittedly striking. Besides Doherty’s own 1841 reference discussed above, one more from 1848 conceptually connects solidarity to the “great human family”. A third one from 1867 connects it to the community of Christians “solidary in sentiment and interests”, who live abroad in countries (then imagined) as ‘barbarous’ and ‘exotic’ as Turkey. 46 The struggle for the conceptual appropriation of solidarity and the solidary is also evident in the uses of the adverb solidarily . 47 This conceptual (and spatial) connection of solidarity with communities of inter- ests , rather than with the implicit internationalism of humanity or of the working class, let alone with a revolutionary potential, is further evident in the concep- tual schematization of other derivative words, such as a) the adjective solidaric , meaning the one “characterized by solidarity or community of interests” or the noun solidarism , meaning “a theory of social organization based on solidarity of interests”, both etymologically deriving from solidarity and the French solidaire , 48 b) the noun and adjective solidarist , meaning “a believer in or advocate of soli- 45. “1818 COLEBROOKE Obligations xiv. 149 The solidary obligation can hardly arise, with- out such an express provision. 1875 POSTE Gaius iii. 398 Election to sue the principal debtor discharges a Correal surety, but not a Solidary surety. 1895 Law Times XCIX. 465/1 Anyone who has grasped the difference between a correal and a solidary obliga- tion.” Quoted from OED, under ‘solidary’, 1. 46. “1841 [see SOLIDARITY 1]. 1848 Tait’s Mag. XV. 251 Regarding as solidary, or indissolubly connected together, all the members of the great human family. 1867 VISCT. Strangford Selection (1869) II. 64 A struggling Christian population, solidary in sentiment and inter- est with all other Christian populations in Turkey.” Quoted from OED, under ‘solidary’, 2. 47. “1870 Pall Mall G. 25 Aug. 4 It would not be well to make the French living in Germany responsible for the misdeed, but France herself ought to be made to answer solidarily for it. 1892 Temple Bar June 156 It belongs to us as a community, and we are collec- tively and—what is the word?—solidarily responsible for its use.” Quoted from OED, under ‘solidarily’. 48. “1874 LANGE Comm. Zephaniah 28 The solidaric connection of the false Gods with the kingdom of Satan. 1894 Thinker VI. 72 The central position of Christ in regard to humanity, and His solidaric fellowship with it as its head. 1906 E. KELLY Progr. Working Men ii. ii. 113 The main object to be secured will be described as Solidarity; those who want to secure it as Solidarists, and the doctrine itself as Solidarism.” Quoted from OED, under ‘solidaric’.