46 EU Solidarity in managing migration flows through ECHO in Greece 3/2016-3/2019 Mediterranean Route) 1 . Greece facing multiple crises- mainly in the socioeconom- ic field – since 2009, had to additionally cope with the management of a humani- tarian emergency 2 . In response to such an extraordinary situation, the European Commission proposed a new emergency mechanism that would allow the alloca- tion of humanitarian aid for the first time, within the EU, to support a member State facing both a humanitarian crisis and a financial difficult situation 3 . Was this mechanism an innovative development in the EU capacity, or just a specific ex- pression of the principle of solidarity in the EU, such as the one that “has inspired the creation, development and enlargement of the European edifice” 4 . Our re- sponse to the question in the current intervention is that both hypotheses can ap- ply in the current state of events. Indeed, while the principle of solidarity as both a common European value and a legal principle of the EU Treaties 5 , remains pres- ent all along the European integration process, it is also one of those principles that is constantly evolving to include protection needs -through the social and la- bour rights of EU citizens in the Charter of Fundamental Rights 6 - as well as exter- nal action and humanitarian aid for the management of migration flows and sup- port within the EU. As acknowledged by Robert Schuman already in 1950: «Europe 1. See, Statistics on Asylum in Greece 2013-2019, http://asylo.gov.gr/en/wp-content/up- loads/2019/07/Greek_Asylum_Service_data_June_2019_en.pdf as well as included in AIDA /Greek Council for Refugees, Report 2018 released March 2019, at https://www. asylumineurope.org/sites/default/files/report-download/aida_gr_2018update.pdf . 2. See reference on the situation in Greece and the humanitarian consequences in the Eu- ropean Commission’s Communication of 10 February on the State of Play of Implementa- tion of the Priority Actions under the European Agenda on Migration - COM(2016) 85 final. 3. On the urgent need to adopt the Regulation, see the European Commission, Communica- tion from the Commission to the Council accompanying the proposal for the Emergency Support within the EU, Brussels, 2.3.2016 COM(2016) 116 final. 4 . Indeed according to Article 21 of the TEU, (para 1) “The Union’s action on the inter- national scene shall be guided by the principles which have inspired its own creation, development and enlargement, and which it seeks to advance in the wider world: de- mocracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and funda- mental freedoms, respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law”. The article is based on article 2 TEU which states that: The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail”. 5. See article 3 TFEU , article 2 (3), (4) TFEU and Dagilyte E., Solidarity after the Lisbon Treaty: a new general principle of EU law? Advanced issues of European Law- 9th Session, The first year of the Treaty of Lisbon- Consolidation and Enlargement, IUC Dubrovnil, Απρίλιος 10-16, 2011 1. See also Fundamental Rights Agency, The European Union as a Community of values: Safeguarding fundamental rights in times of crisis , Ιούλιος 2013. 6. Title IV «Solidarity», articles 27-38, EU Fundamental Rights Charter.