Maria Daniella Marouda 47 will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.» 7 The Emergen- cy Support Instrument created by the European Commission to face the humani- tarian consequences of persons in need of international protection in Greece in 2016, could be approached as a further institutionalization of a de facto solidarity towards a member state facing an extraordinary humanitarian situation. Was it innovative? Well designed? Effective? Which were the challenges emerging while the mechanism was activated and has been functioning for three years (March 2016-March 2019) and how can they be addressed in the next period of action from 2020 onwards? 1. A Common European Policy on Asylum and Migration based on Solidarity and Fair Distribution: a mission impossible in the current political context? As is already discussed in important interventions in the current book, the devel- opment of a common European policy in the areas of asylum, immigration and external border control is based on inter-state solidarity, or a “solidarity between the Member States” (see Article 67 TFEU) 8 . Prior to Lisbon Treaty, EU has included solidarity in the area of asylum and immigration in the 1999 Tampere Conclusions, the 2004 ‘Hague Program’, the 2008 European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, and the 2009 Stockholm Program, with the aim to build on one another and gradu- ally develop solidarity from a focus on asylum to a general principle underpinning border, immigration and asylum matters 9 . These efforts, together with the “Dub- lin Asylum procedures” (I-IV), reveal that the basis of cooperation in the manage- ment of asylum and migration in the EU has always been connected with the pur- suit of a “fair sharing of responsibilities” between States 10 . This is explicit in ar- 7. Robert Schuman Declaration, 9 May 1950, 2. 8. See relevant papers in the current volume of Filipidou S. and Saranti V., as well as An- toniou Th. See also for the European and Greek legal framework concerning refugees, see Marouda M. – D. / Saranti V. , Refugee Law (Προσφυγικό Δίκαιο), Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2016. 9. See relevant efforts on a Common European Asylum and Migration Policy from Tampere to Stockholm : European Commission Tampere: Kick-start to the EU’s policy for justice and home affairs, https://ec.europa.eu/councils/bx20040617/tampere_09_2002_en.pdf ; then European Commission, Report on the Implementation of the Hague Programme for 2007. 2008, COM(2008)373 final; as well as Council of the European Union. The Stockholm Programme – An open and secure Europe serving and protecting the citizens. 2009 Doc. 17024/09 and 2010/C 115/01 para 6.2.2., p.32; 10. See on the origins of article 80 TFEU and the different proposals on the content of solidarity in the field of asylum and immigration, European Parliament Study, ‘The Implementation of Article 80 TFEU on the Principle of Solidarity and Fair Sharing