Maria Daniella Marouda 49 2015 the European Agenda on Asylum and Migration, which incorporates the rationale of a balancing act between responsibility and solidarity 13 . The specific set of measures included in the Agenda reflect solidarity between the EU and the Member States and among Member States themselves. These were: — A funding package to triple the allocation for Triton and Poseidon in 2015-16 and to finance an EU-wide resettlement scheme and an immediate support to a possible CSDP mission on smuggling migrants. — A legislative proposal to activate the emergency scheme under Article 78(3) TFEU by the end of May, on the basis of the distribution key included in the Annex. — A proposal for a permanent Common EU system for relocation for emergency situations by the end of 2015. — A Recommendation for an EU resettlement scheme by the end of May followed if required by a proposal for more permanent approach beyond 2016. — Establishing a new monitoring and evaluation system for the Common European Asylum System and guidance to improve standards on reception conditions and asylum procedures. — Strengthening Safe Country of Origin provisions of the Asylum Procedure Directive to support the swift processing of asylum applicants from countries designated as safe — Measures to promote systematic identification and fingerprinting. — Evaluation and possible revision of the Dublin Regulation in 2016. What is interesting to note is that even if a number of these measures mentioned in the Agenda were never activated, and while the Commission admitted that the EU would not be able to meet the target of the 20,000 re-settlement of recognized refugees, one should commend the effort made by the European Commission to mobilise most existing EU mechanisms and make use of a wide range of political and legal procedures available to it, and even create new possibilities (such as the emergency mechanism support through DG ECHO). The overall rather ambitious plans drafted by the European Commission coupled with a heavy political climate following a series of terrorist attacks in Europe (especially in Paris in November 2015) has led to disagreements among member states, who were more akin to focus on how to respond to the threat of foreign fighters and the global terrorist threats (ISIS in Iraq and Syria) than on how to provide for the international protection for those in need and to the countries that faced an extraordinary situation. Two aspects of solidarity have since largely 13. COM (2015) 490 τελ/2, 29.09.2015, σελ.3.