54 EU Solidarity in managing migration flows through ECHO in Greece 3/2016-3/2019 Since then, ECHO has been used to achieve quick, flexible, impartial response to emergencies, whereas humanitarian actors, mainly specialized UN agencies and INGOs are used for an increased acceptance of EU support in third countries (of a former colonial past) 31 . Those interventions through partners complement actions of member states and are to be implemented in accordance with the Consensus on humanitarian aid. Member states can still choose to either make direct donations to assist third countries, or indirect through ECHO 32 . In 2009 ECHO’s competences expanded both in political terms ensuring the effi- cacy and efficiency of EU humanitarian aid 33 , as well as by combining humanitar- ian action as an external action and civil protection within and outside the EU to face the consequences of natural and man-made disasters. Such a combination bringing under the same direction humanitarian action and civil protection was part of the European Commission’s effort to create a robust and comprehensive set of mechanisms of crisis management response to disasters and distribution of resources among member states 34 . Then, when multiple crises - of an economic nature or otherwise - started affect- ing EU Member States, a new milestone was achieved in 2016, and a decision was made to internalize the EU humanitarian aid policy in order to address emergen- cies within the EU. In 2016, “the emergency” was the management of refugee and migration flows to support an EU member state facing in parallel an “economic situation”: Greece. Indeed, the European Commission proposed, and the Council adopted new budget lines dedicated to address emergency situations within the EU. This new development, as yet another practical dimension of the principle of solidarity under article 78 (3) TFEU, provides that “ 3. In the event of one or more Member States being confronted by an emergency situation characterized by a sudden inflow of nationals of third countries, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt provisional measures for the benefit of the Member State(s) concerned. It shall act after consulting the European Parliament”. What role does solidarity have in this edifice? The answer comes in article 122 (2) TFEU according to which : “ 2. Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional oc- 31. Irrera D., NGOs and the EU Emergency response policies: a quantitative analysis of the relations with states and EU institutions, in Marchetti R. (ed), Partnerships in in- ternational policy making. Civil Society and public institutions in European and Global Affairs, 2016, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 237-252. 32. Attina F., European aid to foreign countries in emergencies. Are ECHO and EU large donors countries on the same track? 14(3) Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 2014, 5-21. 33. Marouda 2012. 34. Versluys H ., EU humanitarian aid lifesaver or political tool? In Orbie J (ed), Europe’s global role: external policies of the European Union, 2009 Farnham: Ashgate, 91-115.