76 International Commition of the Red Cross in Greece The ICRC coordinates its activities in Greece with the larger emergency response led by the International federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the Hellenic Red Cross. In March 2016, the ICRC opened its mission in Greece. The ICRC’s work on behalf of vulnerable migrants and their families takes place most- ly in areas affected by armed conflict or other situations of violence. The ICRC does not encourage or discourage migration. Rather, the focus is on helping the most vulnerable migrants, regardless of their legal status. It seeks to ensure that migrants receive the protection they are entitled to under international and do- mestic law, including the special protection afforded to certain categories of peo- ple, such as refugees and asylum seekers. The activities are adapted to migrants’ needs and vulnerabilities, which vary from one place to another. In europe, the ICRC supports european national societies to address the needs of vulnerable mi- grants, providing them with technical and operational support, with a specific fo- cus in the field of restoring family links (RFL). The ICRC also conducts forensic and detention activities in collaboration with local authorities. V. Restoring Family Links (RFL) Losing contact with family is a common consequence of migration. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, through the family links network (www.familylinks. icrc.org) , works to restore and maintain contact between family members. The ICRC financially and technically supports the Hellenic Red Cross’ (HRC) tracing Service, which helps migrants keep in touch with their family or look for their missing family members. The ICRC provides training and ensures the service is equipped with the best available tools. In cooperation with the HRC, the ICRC pro- vides connectivity along the migratory route to avoid disruption of family links. VI. Forensic Activities Many migrants have died when entering Greece (Aegean Sea and Evros river) and many bodies remain unidentified today. Behind each body is a worried family. Yhe ICRC supports local authorities, including forensic authorities and the Hellenic Coast Guard, to ensure the dignified management of dead bodies and appropriate identification procedures. It provides training for first responders and material support to relevant authorities. Following a number of shipwrecks, and at the request of the Greek authorities, an ICRC forensic expert currently assists with the identification and burial procedures and the collection of DNA samples.