The International European and Area Studies Department drawing on Panteion’s long tra- dition in international law and international affairs, promotes today an ambitious modern program of particularly high standards, giving emphasis on a multi- scientific approach and the attachment of theory into practice (see relevant external evaluation performed within 2013-14 at http://deps.panteion.gr/images/EEC_Final_Report_DEIAS_Panteion_2_Febru- ary_2014_17_2_14.pdf). The Department has an international profile, including five Jean Monnet Chairs and Modules (Perrakis, Tsaltas, Tagaras,Perrakis, Stephanou, Passas, Marouda) an UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Democracy (Perrakis) and is enriched by 22 highly- experienced Teaching Staff. Courses offered that aim at providing students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience in international and European relations and law. Practi- cal experience is also underpinned by in-service training/internship (stage) in national and international institutions, incl. the EU and the Council of Europe. Masters Programs of the Department include the specialized fields of International Law and Diplomatic Studies, Eu- ropean Law and Policy, Environment and Sustainable Development (Jean Monnet Program), and International Political Economy. According to the recent External Evaluation (2013/4) “...the department enjoys a vibrant academic culture …has a strong interdisciplinary character that responds to the modern needs of the country’s participation in the European and international process from a legal and political viewpoint … has developed a wide network of collaboration with social, cultur- al, governmental or NGOs in Greece…. Its Research Centers are having a remarkable societal impact both in Greece and abroad through the educational and research programs they are engaged in and by pursuing a very dynamic dissemination activity”. Among these Centers, the European Centre of Research and Training on Human Rights and Humanitarian Action (EKEKDAAD) founded in 2005, by Prof Em.St. Perrakis (director) and where Prof. Marouda is Alternate Director and Responsible for the Humanitarian Action Sec- tion, is welcoming students wishing to follow international law /human rights courses, or take part in International Law Moot Court Competitions or UN Models. EKEKDAAD is a very active research forum, promoting various scientific activities, including organizing seminars and colloquia, carrying out research activities and publishing working papers, and a Bulletin on Human Rights, Refugee and Migration Studies and Humanitarian Law and Humanitarian Action). (www.ekekdaad.org ) Courses and Seminars of the JEAN MONNET CHAIR CIPROHA (Marouda) Courses Lectures and seminars. The courses offered in 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2019/2010 include: • Law and Politics of human rights and minorities /(Jean Monnet Seminar on EU Soli- darity in Civil Protection and Humanitarian Action) • International Humanitarian Law /Action and the EU • EU and the European Conv. on Human Rights: Special Issues on EU as a Global Actor (Asylum and Migration)