Preface (Πρόλογος) The refugee, economic and political crises Europe is facing in the recent decade (2009-2019), coupled with a broader environment of insecurity (terrorist attacks, foreign fighters, organized crime involving smuggling and/or trafficking in human beings, as well as violent extremism) have stepped up discussions on the future and identity of the EU 1 . An urgent need to redefine our common European values, among which, the notion of solidarity has acquired -especially but not confined to the management of the refugee / migration crisis since 2015- an unprecedented importance 2 . Solidarity, as a value, a principle, a clause in the Treaties, a duty, or a legal obligation appears in almost all of the priorities, the rhetoric and the poli- cies of the EU and its member states. European institutions, EU representatives, national governments, local authorities, political parties, international humani- tarian agencies and the civil society, all resort to “solidarity” as both the end and the means to move forward 3 . As a typical example of such a trend, the manage- ment of the refugee /migration crisis in Europe evolves since 2016, around the no- tion of solidarity among member states, but also towards persons or groups facing forced migration. Within the EU, solidarity is today present in all discussions, not only around political cohesion or the social state, but also in the area of freedom, security and justice, and more importantly, -as this is a new development- in the area of response to emergency humanitarian needs inside the EU. 1. On the future of the EU, see relevant documents on the 60 th anniversary of the EU and the White Paper on the Future of the EU and the way forward, launched on March 2017 and discussed at the 21-22 June European Council and the EuroSummit. The Agenda included the EU’s next long-term budget, how to reach our ambitious climate targets, how to deepen Economic and Monetary Union, foreign policy issues, enlargement policy, as well as Brexit preparedness measures, See the White Paper at https://ec.europa . eu/commission/future-europe/white-paper-future-europe-and-way-forward_en and the discussions https://ec.europa.eu/commission/publications/european-council-and-euro- summit_en 2. On revisiting common European values, see Fundamental Rights Agency, The European Union as a Community of values: Safeguarding fundamental rights in times of crisis, July 2013. On solidarity see also online papers of a Colloque Collège de France, Revisiter les solidarités en Europe, accèdes https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/alain-supiot/ symposium-2017-2018.htm 3. On solidarity in the EU, see recent cases CJEU - Joined Cases C-643/15 and C-647/15 Slovak Republic and Hungary v Council of the European Union, 6 September 2017 and the interpretation of the notion by Adbocate General Bot in the Opinion, delivered on 26 July 2017 (Cases C-643/15 and C-647/15 Slovak Republic, Hungary v Council of the European Union).