XVI Πρόλογος ly binding mechanism for the allocation of responsibility at EU level and in view of the needs of common refugee management, Member States resort more and more today to multilateral and bilateral 13 political agreements, sometimes invoking the notion of solidarity 14 . What we will try, then, in this book to address is the contribution of solidarity in managing a crisis such as the one of the migration flows in Greece. Not only through examining the moral notion, the legal obligation, or the common Euro- pean value of solidarity, either in general, or in the area of freedom, security and justice in the EU, but mainly its manifestations in the policy of European organiza- tions such as the EU, or the CoE, within informal city networks, international hu- manitarian organizations or of the civil society. The papers included in the current book were part of relevant research and teach- ing projects as well as Conferences organized or co-organized by the Jean Monnet Chair EU Solidarity in Civil Protection and Humanitarian Action, I hold since Sep- tember 2016 at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. The Jean Mon- net Chair co-funded by the European Union has offered us in the last three years an opportunity to anchor and mainstream teaching on EU matters in International and European legal studies, through the lens of solidarity in migration, and other civil protection and response to natural or man-made disasters, the inter-relation be- tween humanitarian aid by traditional humanitarian actors, partners of ECHO, and state, or even military actors, and the challenges of blurring the lines of EU prin- cipled response to crises. The papers included form part of innovative research in- volving post doc fellows and main researchers of the European Research and Train- ing Center on Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, as well as representatives of states, cities, IOs, NGOs, colleagues in the academia and practitioners. A first section in the book includes interesting interventions on the concept of soli- darity as well as on how States, International Organizations, cities and humanitar- ian actor responded during the ‘‘refugee /migration crisis of 2015 onwards’’, as analyzed by the former Mayor of Athens and Coordinator of the Network ‘Solidar- ity Cities’, Giorgos Kaminis and Emeritus Professor Stelios Perrakis, former Perma- nent Representative of Greece to the Council of Europe, as well as by Dimitrios 13. See for instance the Administrative Arrangement between Ministry of migration Policy of the Hellenic Republic and the Federal Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Germany on cooperation when refusing entry to persons seeking protection in the context of temporary check at the internal German – Austrian border, available at: https://rsae- gean.org/en/the-administrative-arrangement-between-greece-and-germany/ 14. See for instance Commission’s press release on the relocation mechanism of No- vember 2017, “Relocation: Solidarity Between Member States”, available at: https:// ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/sites/homeaffairs/files/what-we-do/policies/european- agenda-migration/20171114_relocation_eu_solidarity_between_member_states_ en.pdf