Culture and migration A path towards Cultural Integration of Refugees and Migrants Efharis Mascha, Adjunct lecturer, Hellenic Open University Katerina Papadopoulou, Adjunct lecturer, Hellenic Open University ISBN 978-960-654-076-9 «Culture and migration: a path towards cultural integration of refugees and migrants» consists of an array of research, quantitative and qualitative, on cultural organisations regarding the cultural integration of refugees and migrants. Cultural organizations during the recent migration crisis, from 2015 onwards, have organised numerous cultural activities aiming to integrate refugees and migrants. More specifically, people on the move either refugees or immigrants, upon entering a host country experience a new reality, painful and traumatic but sometimes creative and culturally rich. In this context, museums, galleries or small NGOs, can be instrumental in the effort to integrate, support their education and improve migrant’s living conditions.In addition, efforts have been made to preserve and reproduce in the host country intangible cultural heritage issues, to remain unchanged over time despite the displacement of the population due to war or other violent movements. This project appeals to those involved in cultural and social integration organizations for refugees and migrants. It is also a valuable tool for academic research in the field of human rights and cultural studies and for those working in the field of RSD (Refugee Status Determination). COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re- trievalsystem,ortransmitted, inany formorbyanymeans,withoutthepriorpermis- sion of NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A., or as expressly permitted by law or under the terms agreed with the appropriate reprographic rights organization. Enquiries concern- ing reproduction which may not be covered by the above should be addressed to NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A. at the address below. DISCLAIMER The content of this work is intended for information purposes only and should not be treated as legal advice.The publication is necessarily of a general nature; NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI, the author and the contributors make no claim as to the comprehen- siveness or accuracy of the information provided; Information is not offered for the purpose of providing individualized legal advice. Professional advice should there- fore be sought before any action is undertaken based on this publication. Use of this work does not create an attorney-client or any other relationship between the user and NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI, or the author, or the rest of contributors. 23 Mavromichali str. | 106 80 | Athens | Greece T +30 210 3678 800  |  F +30 210 3678 819  | © 2020, NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI S.A. LawPublishers inEurope