Introduction VIII few students with refugee experience themselves) mainly fromGreece, but also from other European countries. One of the most innovative elements of LRM was the integration of a module on Human Rights. Specifically, LRM61 discusses Human Rights and International Law for Refugees and Migrants. Migration is one of the most crucial social issues in Eu- rope and other regions of the world today. Migrants and refugees frequently face un- justified and even illegal behaviour concerning their human rights. The goal of this module was to provide students with a theoretical and practical background con- cerning human rights and international law for migrants and refugees. In the context of LRM61, students have the opportunity to discuss the notion of human rights, its scopes and content, and get introduced to EU and ECHRMigration and Refugee Law. They also discuss forced migration through a historical and human perspective and are encouraged to reflect on the role of European institutions and international hu- man rights bodies concerning forced migration and refugeehood. I would like to acknowledge the great help we received from Dr. Victoria Banti, who collaboratedwith Dr. Roula Kitsiou (instructional designer of LRM) andme for the de- sign of LRM61. Apart from her training as a lawyer, Victoria had a long experience in the field of asylum and academic research in issues regarding forced migration. Af- ter the first year of LRM61 implementation, Dr. Marina Sounoglou was made part of the team as tutor. Being an educator specialized in Children’s Human Rights, Marina brought a new approach to all issues discussed. As an academic supervisor of LRM61 for almost four years, I enjoyed the opportunity to work with two really diligent and passionate tutors. Undoubtedly, they were inspiration for all students and especial- ly for those that decided to conduct their dissertation research in the field of Human Rights and International Law. All but one of the texts appearing in this volume are based on LRM students’ disser- tations. The editors of the book succeed in putting together a collection of valuable contributions, which share in common the aim to problematize the concept of vul- nerability, its scope and consequences implications within the law tradition. The book discusses the human rights of the most vulnerable asylum applicants (unaccompa- nied minors, torture victims, victims of sex trafficking, LGBTI persons) shedding light to aspects of law application as reported by professionals and practitioners on the field addressing both theoretical and applied aspects of vulnerabilities-if wemay use the plural form recognizing the multidimensionality of the concept as presented in the book. The authors conducted thorough researches in various issues regarding vulnerable asylumseekers in Europe. They present the legal framework and discuss the challeng- es that occur in real life situations. Moreover, they make suggestions for policies that could facilitate the protection of vulnerable asylum applicants. Therefore, the book