The Portuguese asylum application process for the unaccompanied minors 9 age being recorded last year at 28% based on data found for the years 2016-2019. In 2017, 3 out of a total of 8 absconded children, returned at CACR voluntarily. In the AI- DA’s report in 2017 30 , it is stated that the CPR has received criticism and complaints regarding the undoubtedly low financial allowance given to asylum seekers of all stages. The anxiety caused by the struggle to make a decent living 31 may be a con- tributing factor to the high level of abscondment 32 . Other contributing factors to this high level of absconding might be related to the duration of the asylum procedure. In case a regular asylum procedure is applied the final decision is made within 6 to 9 months depending on the complexity of the situ- ation. In the meantime, the applicants are given a Temporary Residence Permit with a duration of 6 months. In addition, the CPR reported that the average stay of an un- accompanied child accommodated at CACR is approximately 7,3 months 33 , though it is not specified whether that average includes children who eventually abscond- ed. Moreover, reports demonstrate amanifestly low number of unaccompanied chil- dren who have been granted the victim status due to trafficking, violence or torture. In fact, just one child in 2017 was granted the victim status and got transferred to a specialized for victims of trafficking centre, while, the CPR has referenced a great number of suspicious cases to the National Anti-Trafficking Observatory ( Unidade Anti tráfico de Pessoas ). Furthermore, the UNCommittee Against Torture 34 urged Portugal to fortify themech- anisms for the identification of victims of torture among asylum seekers and sug- gested that Portugal: “ (a) Intensify its efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in per- sons, including by putting in place effective procedures for the identification and referral of victims among vulnerable groups, such as asylum seekers and irregular migrants; (b) Improve the training of law enforcement officers and other first responders by including statutory trainingon the identificationof potential victims of trafficking inpersons; (c) En- sure access to adequate protection and support, including temporary residence permits, irrespective of their ability to cooperate in legal proceedings against traffickers. ” As far as the discrepancy in the identification and the allocation of guarantees for vulnera- 30. AIDA. (2017). Asylum Information Database . 31. The UAM are given 16EUR per month and they state that“that’s barely nothing”. 32. AIDA. (2017). Asylum Information Database . 33. CPR. (2016). Relatório de Atividades . CPR. (2017). Relatório de Atividades . CPR. (2018). Relatório de Atividades . 34. UN Committee Against Torture. (2019). Concluding Observations on the seventh periodic report of Portugal , CAR/C/PRT/CO/7. Retrieved from: dler.ashx?enc=6QkG1d%2fPPRiCAqhKb7yhss1YTn0qfX85YJz37paIgUB4edZrPQr87ew2hpxLF- m0YtasaqRTBfA80fbjFHIkGbq5U4E4zcrOdTjYNwwL7uAo8i8k%2f96F2OixvNPZdSVi5.