| 8 | Ch. Pamboukis ume on Global Private International Law showcases the practical implications of this brunch of law 7 . The ‘Global Law’ component of our topic allows to dream but it also provides a way of expressing realities of our era. It is, therefore, not a surprise to see emerg- ing important centers of legal research especially dedicated to the study of Glob- al Law. There are, indeed, many, but I can quote—among others—the Institute of Global Law and Policy (IGLP Harvard University) under the direction of David Ken- nedy who also has offered refined contributions on Global Law 8 and who wanted to be among us. Unfortunately he was not able to make such a long trip for two days despite his desire. Global Law is not an extraterrestrial subject, but a reality which invites constantly to a rethinking of the Law. The other component of our subject, the Future of Law, has also benefited from remarkable and pioneer works. In particular, I have to refer to the two volumes un- der the direction of Muller, Zouridis, Frishman and Kistemaker on The Law of the Future and The Future of Law of Hague Institute for the Internationalization of Law (HiiL) 9 . The future of International Law is also closely related. One could say that Global Law is the meta international law and Trachtman sees the future of in- ternational law in a renewed functional approach 10 . The aim of the Athens Symposium on Global Law is to further contribute to the re- flection on Global Law and its Future giving to distinguished constitutional and in- ternational lawyers the opportunity to think and discuss on various topics. With- out thinking, the future cannot be shaped, and Man cannot control his own destiny. The banal, mysterious, and probably indomitable question is how would Global Law look like in the Future? This question hides the fundamental dilemma: the fight between Taxis (Order) and Chaos; between Unity and Diversity; between Integra- tion and Fragmentation. We cannot predict the future. But we can envision the fu- ture. And vision—visionary approaches in any form—is missing nowadays, leaving the world without a compass. Thank you all for having accepted that modest invitation. In particular, our foreign Colleagues and friends. We are critical, analytical and globalist in the sense that we aim to shape law in a holistic and forward looking way based on a deep under- standing of the present and on a vision for the future. 7. Muir Watt/ Bizikova/ de Oliveira/Arroyo, Global Private International Law- Adjudication without frontiers , EE (Edward Elgar), 2019. 8. See in particular A world of Struggle: How Power, Law, and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy , Princeton University Press, 2016. 9. The Law of the Future and the Future of Law , Volume I (2011) and II (2012), TOAEP (Torkel Opsahl Academic Publisher). 10. The Future of International Law- Global Government , CUP, 2013.