V | Περιεχόμενα 1. Introduction ................................................................................ 1 2. Fragments of Legal discourse on the Future of Global Law ...................... 7 Charalambos Pamboukis Professor, Faculty of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens 3. Towards a Genealogy of Global Law ................................................. 19 Nikitas E. Hatzimihail Associate Professor of Private Law, Comparative Law and Legal History, University of Cyprus 4. The Diminishing State in Global Law ................................................ 35 Alex Mills Professor of Public and Private International Law, Faculty of Laws, UCL 5. A New Paradigm for International Substantive Law Conventions ............. 43 Franco Ferrari Professor, School of Law, New York University 6. Exequatur Going Global: The doctrine of exhaustion of remedies in the Member State of origin of the judgment ................................... 61 Arnaud Nuyts Professor at the University of Brussels (ULB), Member of the Bar of Brussels 7. Transnational Economic Constitutionalism in the Varieties of Capitalism .. 95 Gunther Teubner Professor emeritus, Law Faculty, Goethe-Universitât Frankfurt am Main 8. Concluding Remarks: A future for Global Law? .................................. 119 Nikitas E. Hatzimihail Associate Professor of Private Law, Comparative Law and Legal History, University of Cyprus