Hellenic Court of Audit and Local Government
Edited by:
Georgia Maragou
Vice-Present of the Hellenic Court of Audit (ed)
The book’s main target is to present to the public the Hellenic
Court’s of Audit (HCA) work in auditing and judging cases regarding the Lo-
cal Government Organizations (LGOs), especially after Kallikratis’ Reform (L.
3852/2010). HCA’s Plenum Opinions (Consulting competency) and Resolu-
tions (Juristidictional competency), which have been published during a 6
year-period (2010-2016) dealing with major issues of the local government
management system, such as LGOs budget (forming, execution, monitoring
etc.), ex-ante and ex-post audits, target audits in revenues and expenditure,
charging local accountants with deficits of LGOs, as well as legal studies made
mainly by HCA’s Judges with similar content are been included in this book.
ISBN 978-960-562-708-9
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