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Αdministrative Law

1st volume - 15th edition

Epaminondas P. Spiliotopoulos

honorary Professor of the University of Athens


The purpose of this book is to present and analyse the Greek system

of administrative law, as provided by the Constitution, recent legislation, gen-

eral principles of law and supreme administrative courts’ case law, in the light

of European Union law and international law. The main parts of the book are:

The Introduction, which discusses the concept of the “legal order”, and in par-

ticular the concepts of the “legal norm”, the “law”, the State, the Constitution,

the “public” or “state organ” and the “legal act”; the concept of the “administra-

tive organ”; and the concept of the “legal person”. Part A: The legal status of

the public administration. This part explores the concepts of administrative law

(its definition and sources and the basic principles of administrative action); the

administrative act (the concept of and the organs producing administrative acts,

their competences, the process for issuing administrative acts and their form, as

well as their validity); the administrative contract; and the tort liability of the

public administration. Part B: The organisation of the public administration.

This part explains the methods of organisation of the public administration; the

administrative organisation of the State (the central and the regional authorities

and organs of the State); the local government of first and second level; and the

public legal persons with special aims.

ISBN 978-960-622-147-7


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