Smuggling of goods
Ourania D. Adamou,
Lawyer, Doctor of Laws of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The purpose of this book is to offer a comprehensive presentation
of the current national legislative and jurisprudential framework concerning
the smuggling of goods. All the 185 articles of the revised National Customs
Code (law 2960/2001, hereinafter NCC), as they were lastly amended by law
4446/22-12-2016, are listed, with a particular focus on the criminal law provi-
sions of the NCC and the analytical and critical presentation of all the decisions
of the Greek courts (courts of first/second instance and the Court of Cassation)
applying them. The relevant jurisprudence is systematized firstly in groups ac-
cording to the pertinent provision of the law and secondly in sub-groups ac-
cording to each particular issue (wrongfulness of the act, culpability, penalty,
attempt, participation, concurrent offences, civil action in criminal proceedings,
confiscation) that arises from every substantial or procedural criminal law pro-
vision. The huge extent of the NCC provisions and the great number of court
decisions that have gradually applied them have necessitated an abridgment of
a large part of the previous edition referring to other national law provisions
and European or international instruments relevant to smuggling of goods; these
provisions and instruments are only enumerated in the current edition. However,
the NCC Explanatory Report is cited in its entirety in this edition as well, since
it is considered essential for a thorough understanding of the protective scope
and the function of every criminal law provision. Finally, this work is concluded
with a list of general and particular bibliographical references concerning the
smuggling of goods.
ISBN 978-960-622-153-8
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