Liberty towards marriage
Essay on Philosophy
Constantine N. Christodoulou
DrDr Professor of Athens School of Law
The book is a study in the field of Applied Ethics. Marriage and its binding
force is being tested by the point of view of various philosophers (e.g. Plato, Nietzsche
a.o.) and philosophical ethical 'schools' (e.g. liberalism, utilitarism, hedonism, stoici-
cism, biological ethics a.o.), as well as of the orthodox religious and the psychanalyti-
cal ones. Each ethical school is argued to correspond to a particular moral basis of
the institution of marriage, e.g. the aim of the perpetuation of human species is a
purely biologically ethical one. By a way of conclusion someone might summarize that
marriage mainly seeks to manage (the consequences of) sexual instict and activity,
as well to substitute social care. Nevertheless, even in this frame, the grave dangers
of marriage's overestimation (e.g. via urging pathetically unhappy cohabitance or via
the 'dramatization' of the divorce, especially in the child's eyes) shall not be ignored.
ISBN 978-960-622-376-1
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