As Director of MEPIELAN and Editor-in-chief of this Volume I would
like to thank the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Action Plan/UNEP
and the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment and Public Works for their
generous support to the “First MEPIELAN Seminar on International En-
vironmental Negotiation and its Application in the Mediterranean” held
in Athens from 18 to 22 February 2002, that gave rise to the present vol-
ume in the MEPIELAN Studies. I am also indebted to the Panteion Uni-
versity of Athens for consistently sponsoring MEPIELAN and its activi-
I am deeply grateful to my distinguished Canadian colleague, Profes-
sor Moira McConnell, for her unfailing support to MEPIELAN activi-
ties and the incomparable intellectual stimulation we shared working
together to prepare this Volume. I am particularly indebted to Emeritus
Professor Emmanuel Roucounas, Vice President of the Athens Academy,
Greece, for writing the Preface and to the distinguished colleagues of the
Editorial Board, Professors Laurence Boisson de Chazoumes, Joseph Del-
lapenna, Peter Haas, Tullio Scovazzi and Budislav Vukas, for their valu-
able cooperation and support of the MEPIELAN Studies Series and of this
volume in particular.
Special thanks are expressed to the Greek team of MEPIELAN/
Panteion University of Athens, Melina Soumela, Lito Xiroryri, Natassa
Kouvertari, Sokrates Zachos and Konstantinos Tsimonis for their devoted
and professional work in preparing and during the Seminar. I also wish to
record my thanks to Molly Ross, Dalhousie Law School, Canada, and to
Natassa Kouvertari, MEPIELAN/Panteion University of Athens, for their
assistance in the preparation of this volume.
My thanks goes to Elias Hydraios for his artistic design of the standard
cover of the MEPIELAN Studies.
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