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The European Convention on Human Rights - 2nd edition

Commentary by Article

Rights-Admissibility-Just Satisfaction-Execution

L.-A. Sicilianos

(general editor)

President of Section ECtHR, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Athens


The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has permeated all

areas of domestic law, and nowadays constitutes an integral part of the everyday

practice of both judge and counsel. The present volume contains a detailed com-

mentary of all substantive provisions (i.e. of the rights), as well as of the provisions

governing admissibility, just satisfaction and execution of the Court’s judgments.

The contributions aim at presenting a comprehensive and detailed survey of the

Court’s recent case-law, placing emphasis on case-law relevant to Greece and Cy-

prus. This second edition of the Commentary is fully up-to-date, referring to more

than 500, carefully-selected judgments, handed down between 2013 and 2016.

ISBN 978-960-562-680-8


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