Modern Political Theory
© Paschalis ¬. Kitromilides, 2016
The book
Modern Political Theory
offers an in-depth analysis of the ideas and argu-
ments of the most important representatives of social contract theory (Hobbes,
Locke, Rousseau) and of utilitarian liberalism (Bentham, J. S. Mill). The pres-
entation of these two philosophical and political currents is rounded up with
a detailed survey of the reflection on the critical relationship between freedom
and modernity, as it appears in the writings of leading political thinkers who
wrote in French (Montesquieu, Constant and Tocqueville). Through the review
of these currents of political thought, the theoretical expression of classical lib-
eralism, which shaped the historical and political landscape of modern Europe,
is presented in a comprehensive way. In its definitive sixth edition the text of
Modern Political Theory
appears revised and expanded, complemented by an up-
dated bibliography, enhancing its value for educational and research purposes as
highlighted by the reviews of its earlier editions.
ISBN 978-960-562-600-6
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