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Article 5


All persons shall have the right to develop freely their personality and to participate in

the social, economic and political life of the country, insofar as they do not infringe the

rights of others or violate the Constitution and the good usages.


All persons livingwithin theGreek territory shall enjoy full protectionof their life, honour

and liberty irrespective of nationality, race or language and of religious or political beliefs.

Exceptions shall be permitted only in cases providedby international law.

The extraditionof aliensprosecuted for their actionas freedom-fighters shall beprohibited.


Personal liberty is inviolable. No one shall be prosecuted, arrested, imprisoned or other-

wise confined except when and as the lawprovides.


4. Individual administrative measures restrictive of the free movement or establish-

ment in the country, and of the free exit and entrance therein of any Greek are prohibited.

Restrictive measures of such content may only be imposed as an attendant penalty by a

criminal court ruling, in exceptional cases of emergency and only in order to prevent the

commitment of criminal acts, as specifiedby law.


All persons have the right to the protection of their health and of their genetic iden-

tity. Matters relating to the protection of every person against biomedical interventions

shall be specifiedby law.

Interpretative clause:

Paragraph 4does not preclude theprohibitionof exit fromthe country for persons be-

ingprosecutedoncriminal charges by act of thepublicprosecutor, or the impositionof

measures necessary for the protection of public health or the health of sick persons, as

specifiedby law.


Article 5A


All persons have the right to information, as specified by law. Restrictions to this right

may be imposed by law only insofar as they are absolutely necessary and justified for rea-

sons of national security, of combating crime or of protecting rights and interests of third



All persons have the right to participate in the Information Society. Facilitation of access

toelectronically transmitted information, aswell as of theproduction, exchange anddiffu-

sion thereof, constitutes anobligationof the State, always inobservanceof theguarantees

of articles 9, 9A and 19.

Article 6


No person shall be arrested or imprisoned without a reasoned judicial warrant which

must be served at themoment of arrest or detention pending trial, except when caught in

the act of committing a crime.